A picture of a family doing picknik outdoor and playing jengga

The Power of Music in ABA Therapy

Music is powerful. It’s been used to heal us since the dawn of time, and it continues to be a powerful tool in behavioral therapy today. The power of music can be harnessed when using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) methods to help treat c...

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Autism and Communication: Unlocking the Voice Within

Communication is fundamental to human interaction, enabling us to express our thoughts, emotions, and needs. For individuals with autism, however, the communication journey can be unique and challenging. While communication disorders are co...

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Developmental Delays: What Every Parent Should Know

As parents, we always want the best for our children. We watch their every milestone with joy and anticipation, eagerly waiting for them to take their first steps, say their first words, and explore the world around them. However, it’s essentia...

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Navigating Anxiety in Children with Autism

As per psychologist Dr. Jeffrey Wood, social anxiety, or the fear of new people and social settings, is particularly prevalent in children with autism. He goes on to say that if children with autism have anxiety, they might experience intense interna...

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Supporting Kids with Disabilities in Early Childhood

Despite encountering challenges, individuals with disabilities can very much enjoy a fulfilling life. It is particularly achievable when parents provide the right support early on—paving the road toward their children’s lifelong success. If this...

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Cultural Norms: A Facet of Early Interventions

Have you ever considered how cultural norms shape how our clinical social workers approach early interventions for children with developmental delays? Cultural norms play a significant role in shaping a child’s growth, making it essential to em...

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